Gold mining's social and economic impact
If responsibly mined, gold mining can contribute to the socio-economic development of the countries they operate in.
Gold and gold mining’s contribution to SDG 3
“Our vision is not health for some; it’s not health for most; It’s health for all!“ So said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General at the World Health Organisation (WHO) at the United Nations General Assembly 74th Session in September 2019. Given recent events, a continued focus on universal health and well-being has never been as important as it is today.
Discussing ESG priorities with the US investor community
Last month we participated in the Responsible Asset Owners Global Symposium. We have been a supporter of this event series since its inception in 2019 as it brings together leading investors to tackle important topics around the ESG agenda within the investment community.
S&P Global webinar: Corporate Sustainability Assessment
Last month, we held a webinar with S&P Global and our Members at which S&P presented their Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). Many of our Members already submit the CSA and this was an opportunity to review industry data from past assessments and discuss how elements of the RGMPs could potentially be incorporated into their methodology going forward.
Improving healthcare and providing economic growth opportunities in Ghana – Golden Star explains how
We’ve had an opportunity to speak to Philipa Varris, Executive Vice President, Head of Sustainability at Golden Star to dig deep into the company’s achievements when it comes to contributing to SDG 3 (Good Health) and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).
How can gold mining contribute to better lives? Kinross Gold explains
International Women’s Day – a time to celebrate and reflect
Gold mining's contribution to SDG 10