Our People
We treat everyone who works for World Gold Council (WGC) fairly and without discrimination. Our employees, agency staff and suppliers are entitled to work in an environment and under conditions that respect their rights and dignity. The WGC believes in diversity and is committed to providing equal employment opportunity to all qualified persons, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or any other protected characteristic.
We will abide by applicable laws concerning non-interference in our workers’ right to form or join a trade union or to bargain collectively, as well as their right not to do so. Where our employees wish to be represented by trade unions or works councils, we will co-operate in good faith with the bodies that our employees collectively choose to represent them. In situations where freedom of association is restricted or prohibited by law, we will be open to and supportive of alternative means of worker representation and engagement.
Our Activities
We conduct our activities in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of all people, complying with all legal requirements. We recognize our responsibility to respect human rights and avoid complicity in human rights abuses, as stated in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and reiterated in the human rights chapter of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
We believe strongly in efforts to combat all forms of criminality and corruption and support international and regional legal frameworks in this regard, including the UN Convention against Corruption.
Our Suppliers
We set out clear expectations for our suppliers, which includes a commitment to conduct business ethically, lawfully and in conformance with human rights standards. See: Expectations of Suppliers.
We seek to do business only with reputable and trustworthy suppliers and conduct diligence commensurate with potential suppliers’ risk profile. At a minimum, the WGC expects its suppliers and their supply chain to comply fully with all applicable laws and regulations in the conduct of their business. We also seek to impose appropriate contractual commitments from our suppliers on human rights issues, including with respect to modern slavery, privacy, anti-money laundering, anti-bribery and corruption and international sanctions.
Our Members
Whilst our members operate independently of the WGC in relation to their own activities, we note and welcome the support to human rights demonstrated by our members’ commitment to The Responsible Gold Mining Principles, released in September 2019. These Principles specifically talk to Human Rights and Conflict, committing all implementing companies to respect the human rights of their workforce, affected communities and all those people with whom they interact. Conformance with the Responsible Gold Mining Principles is a requirement for membership of the WGC.
This Statement is issued on behalf of and applies to the WGC, An Association and its direct and indirect subsidiaries. It is incorporated by reference into the WGC’s internal Code of Conduct.