2022 webinar for assurance providers on the Responsible Gold Mining Principles
The First Year of the RGMPs – through the eyes of a practitioner
World Gold Council member companies have embarked on the three year implementation phase of the Responsible Gold Mining Principles. It’s been a year since the launch in September 2019 and three members describe their experience thus far.
Co-operation along the gold supply chain
All actors in the supply chain have responsibility for ensuring that gold has been responsibly mined and responsibly sourced. Gold mining should contribute to the development of producer countries and to local communities and to the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Engaging with investors
In January 2020, Van Eck, which manages the International Investors Gold Fund, announced that it ‘would expect all of the gold producers in which we invest to adopt the RGMPs’.
Webinar for assurance providers on the Responsible Gold Mining Principles
Warm welcome for Responsible Gold Mining Principles
Gender, diversity and the Responsible Gold Mining Principles
Gold companies support governments' and communities' fight against COVID-19
The global spread of COVID-19 has affected all of us in one way or another and many businesses and industries are having to adapt, including the gold mining industry.
Gold and Climate Change
Gold is valuable and rare. Large amounts of rock need to be mined and processed to produce an ounce of gold and this uses significant amounts of energy.