Edward Bickham
Senior Adviser
World Gold Council
The importance of transparency in building trust in the extractives sector
Edward Bickham
Senior Adviser
World Gold Council
The challenge of improving the position of responsible artisanal and small-scale gold miners needs a multi-stakeholder response
We recently brought together a panel, in partnership with the LBMA, to discuss 'Improving the position of responsible Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Miners – the role of Central Banks and other constructive actors'. Watch the discussion.
Edward Bickham
Senior Adviser
World Gold Council
Introducing the Responsible Gold Mining Principles – Understanding Impacts
In this article, we focus on umbrella Principle 2 ‘understanding impacts’. The commitment is that gold mining companies should ‘engage with stakeholders and implement management systems, so as to ensure that they assess, understand and manage impacts, realise opportunities and provide remedy where needed.’
Edward Bickham
Senior Adviser
World Gold Council
Introducing the Responsible Gold Mining Principles – Ethical Conduct (Principle 1)
The Responsible Gold Mining Principles consist of ten ‘umbrella’ Principles and 51 more granular statements that set out expectations of implementing companies. In a series of articles, we will briefly review the key tenets that underlie each of the Principles - this article is on Principle 1.