

Last year we launched a new report, Gold Mining's Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our members are committed to supporting meaningful progress towards social and economic development. As part of the report we looked at 15 out of the 17 goals where the gold mining sector is making significant contributions. The Covid-19 pandemic has put additional emphasis on meeting the SDG targets and one of the SDGs which is being highlighted during these difficult times is SDG 10 (Reduce inequality within and among countries).

One of the ways gold mining companies are contributing to SDG 10 is by taking steps to ensure that economic and educational opportunities – and the supporting services which often accompany these opportunities – benefit the communities around their mine sites. This is done by sourcing procurement and contracting services from local businesses, and creating job opportunities and educational programmes that are tailored to the needs of those communities.

We spoke to Sandra Marseille, Manager People and Public Affairs – Nunavut, Agnico Eagle, about how gold miners can contribute to SDG10. She spoke to us about what Agnico Eagle is doing to promote equality, how the company is trying to recruit 100 percent of its workforce from the region or country in which it operates and through that the training programmes that take place for locals. Watch the video below!