Featured Report
Gold refining and recycling: India gold market series
As India’s demand for gold outpaces its domestic mine supply, demand is fulfilled by imports as well as gold recycled locally. Recycling in India is a Rs440bn industry making up 11% of the average local annual supply.
Gold mining: India gold market series
India has a long history of mining gold, but at a low level: 2020 gold mine production was just 1.6 tonnes. Legacy processes are in part to blame: investment in the sector has been discouraged by unwieldy processes.
Gold Market Commentary
Geopolitical crisis takes centre stage in February
Gold Demand Trends Full Year 2021
Strong Q4 lifts full year demand 10%
Annual demand recovered across virtually all sectors – the notable exception being ETFs, which saw net annual outflows
Gold Outlook 2022
Gold may face similar dynamics in 2022 than those from last year as competing forces support and curtail its performance.
Bullion trade: India gold market series
With very little mining and modest levels of recycling, India is heavily reliant on bullion imports to meet its domestic demand. Indian official imports have continued to grow despite high import duty with official imports averaging 760t over the last decade.
Gold Market Commentary
Gold rose 2% in November based on the LBMA reference price, rallying early in the month before giving up most of those gains in the following weeks.
Advancing Islamic Finance Through Gold
Gold has long been valued for its distinctive investment benefits. Although gold is no longer the basis of the international monetary system, its status as a bastion of stability has endured, a role which has become ever more important in today’s uncertain environment.
Gold Market Commentary
Gold rose slightly in October, despite a risk-on environment and increases in short-term bond yields
Gold Demand Trends Q3 2021
Q3 gold demand down 7% to 831t
ETF outflows outweighed continued recovery in other sectors