John Reade

Market Strategist, Europe and Asia, World Gold Council

Headquarters: London, United Kingdom

John Reade joined the World Gold Council in February 2017 as Chief Market Strategist.

He is responsible for producing strategy and developing insights on the gold market; leading our global dialogue by engaging with leading economists, academics, policy makers, fund managers and investors on gold; and leading our research team.

John has over 30 years’ experience in the gold industry and related fields, most recently as a partner and gold strategist with Paulson & Co for the past seven years. Prior to that, he worked as a precious metals strategist at UBS for 10 years; a gold equity analyst in South Africa for 5 years; and over 8 years held various positions in production and project evaluation in the gold division of Gencor, then a leading South African mining house.

John has a degree in Mining Engineering from the Royal School of Mines, a constituent of Imperial College, London.

Juan Carlos Artigas

Global Head of Research

Juan Carlos Artigas joined the World Gold Council (WGC) in 2009 and is the Head of Research. He and his team focus on developing timely insights on the gold market including drivers of demand, supply, and performance as well as key attributes of gold as an investment and its role in investor portfolios. 

During his tenure, Juan Carlos has reshaped the organization’s approach to research through robust and comprehensive financial analysis incorporating findings from gold physical and derivatives markets and their link to macroeconomic and geopolitical dynamics. This perspective has informed the development of WGC’s Gold Valuation Framework, an academically validated methodology for understanding gold performance.

Previously, Juan Carlos worked at JPMorgan Securities as a US and Emerging Markets fixed income strategist. In this role, he developed sovereign- and corporate-debt valuation frameworks and contributed to leading US and Emerging Markets financial publications.

Juan Carlos holds a BS in Actuarial Sciences from ITAM (Mexico) and an MBA and MS in Statistics from the University of Chicago. He was also a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Econometrics and Statistics from the University of Chicago.

Louise Street

Senior Markets Analyst

Louise joined the World Gold Council in 2008 and works in the Research team as the lead analyst producing Gold Demand Trends, the foremost industry publication on gold demand and supply. She also has responsibilities for generating and writing research pieces, managing consumer research projects and engaging with gold industry stakeholders. She is the voice of our award-winning video explaining Gold Demand Trends.

Prior to joining the World Gold Council, Louise spent 10 years working in investment analysis and communication, having previously held positions with Gartmore, Capital and Thomson Financial.

Krishan Gopaul

Senior Analyst, EMEA

Krishan joined the World Gold Council in early 2011, and works within the Research team. He has previously held positions at Barclays Global Investors, Royal Bank of Canada and Bank of New York Mellon, focusing on investment and market data analysis for both asset management and servicing.

Krishan has a Bachelor’s degree (with honours) in Economics from the University of Essex, and a Masters in Finance from the London School of Economics.

Shuchang (Ray) Jia

Senior Analyst, China

Ray joined the World Gold Council in early 2019, and works within the Research team as the China region research manager. He previous held position with China Industrial Futures Ltd, focusing on the market analysis for major commodities classes and international macros for both individual and institutional investors.

Ray has a Bachelor’s degree in Corporate Finance from the Adelaide University in Australia, and a Master degree of Investment from Pace University in US.

Johan Palmberg

Senior Quantitative Analyst

Johan is a Senior Quantitative Analyst at the World Gold Council. He has spent 10 years researching precious metals markets, both within the World Gold Council, as an independent consultant, and with the World Platinum Investment Council. Prior to this, Johan worked in fund management and in investment research.

Johan has an MSc in Finance from the Swedish School of Economics in Helsinki.