Featured Report
How has the gold market changed in the last 40 years? - video
Gold as a strategic asset for European investors
This report examines the relevance of gold as a strategic asset for euro-based investors to protect their portfolios and to mitigate the systemic risks being faced during a period of serious economic uncertainty in the Eurozone, continued concerns about economic growth in the US, and the possibility of an economic slowdown in China. It uses the respected Michaud et al.'s unique Resampled Efficient Frontier™ optimisation technology to allow analysis of the statistical significance of gold for adding diversification value.
European Commission Green Paper on Stability Bonds
The new relevance for gold
Gold: alternative investment, foundation asset
This report provides further support to the thesis that while alternative investments can be powerful tools in the quest for better risk adjusted returns in a portfolio, gold stands out as a foundation to a well-diversified portfolio.
This Diwali don't just spend, Invest! (Hindi) - video
This Diwali don't just spend, Invest! - video
The impact of inflation and deflation on the case for gold report
The World Gold Council commissioned Oxford Economics to conduct this independent, proprietary research study using their respected Global Model, to explore the performance of gold and other asset classes in various economic situations and to examine gold’s role within an efficient investment portfolio in divergent economic scenarios.