Featured Report
Responsible gold mining in Peru and South America
A short video highlighting the social and economic contributions of responsible gold mining and our Member companies in Peru and South America.
The impact of The World Gold Council Conflict-Free Gold Standard®
Representatives from international NGOs, refiners, industry groups and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) all describe the Standard as a major step forward in providing trust and transparency in the gold supply chain.
Value Distribution: The Benefits of Gold Mining to Host Countries
This is the second edition of the Responsible gold mining and value distribution report, covering 2013 data. It further demonstrates the impact the responsible gold mining industry has in supporting economic development in host countries.
Responsible gold mining and value distribution, 2013 data
Responsible gold mining and value distribution, 2013 video
This, the second Responsible Mining and Value Distribution report from the World Gold Council, explains the continued contribution responsible gold mining can make in supporting economic development in host countries. This edition was released at the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development in Geneva, October 2014.
Gold’s social and economic impacts - video
Responsible mining and sustainable development events guide
Responsible gold mining and value distribution, 2013 report
A global assessment of the economic value created and distributed by members of the World Gold Council
Infographic: The direct economic impact of gold
A new independent research report, The direct economic impact of gold, commissioned by the World Gold Council and produced PwC, reveals striking insights into the direct economic contribution of gold in the world’s major gold producing and consuming countries. This research is ground-breaking in the…
The direct economic impact of gold investment - video
Marcus Grubb, MD of Investment, discusses the relevance of the research findings to the investment market and the World Gold Council’s research programme.